Territory: Fredericton/Western New Brunswick
Years In Business: 3 months
Why franchising?
I knew I was interested in business ownership, and franchising enabled me to get my business off the ground faster using a proven model.
How does your background qualify you for A Buyer’s Choice?
My background is in industrial automation and process engineering, which allowed me to hone my troubleshooting and problem solving skills. Now, in my new role at A Buyer’s Choice, I’m very comfortable working with people, coaching, training and solving any issue that might arise.
Why did you pick A Buyer’s Choice?
A Buyer’s Choice is an industry leader in home inspection that provided unparalleled certification and training in our category.
What kind of support have you gotten from A Buyer’s Choice?
My area owner has done an incredible job championing and promoting my start up. Other local ABCHI owners have been very supportive and helpful as well when I’ve had questions, and our business partners have always responded to my questions quickly.
What has been your biggest challenge?
It’s been a learning curve to set challenging goals, while curbing my expectations. Business is very up and down over the first few of months, creating highs and lows that can be difficult to manage if you don’t really utilize all the tools in the system.
Best business advice?
The best advice I’ve received is that customers don’t buy your brand or services first, they buy from the person – so when speaking with clients/realtors/etc., don’t focus on selling. Focus on being the kind of person that people want to do business with.
Can you share a word of wisdom for people looking into A Buyer’s Choice/franchising?
A Buyer’s Choice is a great opportunity for someone looking to build and develop a successful business from the ground up. If you enjoy dealing with people, working with your hands, are confident, and have an eye for detail, this is really not a risky proposition. The model that ABCHI provides really works if you follow it. It’s not easy, but then again, nothing that’s rewarding usually is.