Ken Jackett

Territory: Quinte Region, Ontario

Years In Business: Three

Why franchising?

The opportunity to enter the home inspection business with solid support in establishing the business and training models while being taught how to avoid mistakes was a major factor in choosing a franchise.

How does your background qualify you for A Buyer’s Choice?

A long business career in middle management with several years involved with direct contact with clients provided a comfort level in meeting and working with clients. The final years of my corporate career were spent in a quality control environment dealing with problem solving and resolution – another important tool that has been useful in owning my own business.

Why did you pick A Buyer’s Choice?

The business model was solid and the positive outlook and support programs already established seemed like the perfect recipe for successfully establishing a business.

What kind of support have you gotten from A Buyer’s Choice?

The support includes good initial training and start-up support as well as a professional website and client contact system.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The first inspections were challenging – mainly developing the comfort level and routines to repeat the inspection process the same each time you do an inspection. Over time, I’ve found the balance in reporting what you find during the inspection process and portraying those findings appropriately to the clients.

Can you share a word of wisdom for people looking into A Buyer’s Choice/franchising?

Be prepared for peaks and valleys. The real estate market is cyclical in many regions. If you contact enough realtors and build a good base, your peaks and valleys may not be as high or as low.